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The Impact

Why do health screenings for mediscan? Testing for fatty liver disease has been shown to positively impact health
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Screening for fatty liver disease encourages healthy behaviors

In a large randomized clinical trial with ~ 5000 participants, screening for fatty liver disease led to 35% improvement in diet, 22% increase in exercise and 13% decrease in weight loss (>5%) in participating patients.

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Screening for fatty liver disease with lifestyle management is effective for weight loss. 

In a community based randomized control trial, screening for fatty liver disease followed up with a lifestyle modification programme led to a 64% reversal in MASLD and on average a 5.6 kg decrease in weight.

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Screening for fatty liver disease effective in reducing bad habits

In an intervention screening trial for alcohol addicted patients, fatty liver disease screening with a lifestyle intervention program led to a 26% increase in alcohol abstinence compared to controls and overall 45% abstained from alcohol.


Watch here on how mediscan fatty liver screening positively impacts making healthy decisions within the community 

Kjaergaard et al. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 22.5 (2024): 1037-1047.

Wong et al. Journal of Hepatology 59.3 (2013): 536-542.

Avitabile et al. JHEP Reports (2024): 101165.

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